The CPA produces a quarterly Bulletin which can be viewed and downloaded below.
CPA Special Interest Groups and the Construction industry Plant Safety Group produce technical, operational and safety-related publications and information notices for industry to improve safety and operational aspects of plant operations

Tim Watson
Nearly all of the CPA safety and technical publications were drafted and edited by Tim. He was a long standing safety consultant for the industry who sadly passed away in April 2020 after succumbing to the spread of cancer. Tim was key to the development of many of industry's standards for safety and technical aspects not only for CPA but with other organisations including representing the UK at European and International standards developments. He was a Chartered Engineer and his knowledge of all aspects of lifting and access was unrivalled.
Tim was a gentle yet highly professional and consistent individual, combining a rare blend of practical knowledge and common sense with the understanding of the requirements for good quality standards and regulation. He was always ready to both listen to and take on board alternative views on a technical point, and at the same time highlight an aspect of an argument that others had completely missed, all in a very polite, gentle and yet firm manner. This rare combination made him highly effective when working on regulatory committees, able to bring together those with opposing views on a technical point through his logical and calm manner. The measure of Tim’s popularity and huge technical prowess can be best evidenced by the subsequent tributes sent from colleagues, friends and industry in general.
His legacy is that the lifting, access and construction plant world is in a far safer and better place due to Tim and the listed publications are testament to his expertise and passion.